FREE Continuing education credits... while watching Netflix? Yep!

Screenshot of Netflix show depicting thinkhumanTV platform emotion labeling exercise

It may sound too good to be true, but ThinkHumanTV enables educators to complete continuing education hours FREE while watching popular movies and shows on streaming platforms like Netflix, Disney+, and Peacock.

You can currently get up to 20 continuing education credit hours in CO, MA, ME, NJ, NV, NY, OH, PA, and TX (with more states coming soon!). The science-focused, evidence-based courses will help you be better prepared to maintain a positive classroom climate, manage your emotions, and implement school-based SEL initiatives. All while watching your favorite TV!

Note that ANY educator in the covered states is eligible for continuing education credits via THTV (yes, even math and science teachers!) because the courses apply to general pedagogical practice regardless of subject.

Available courses

The Science of an Emotionally Regulated Classroom

Level 1a. 5 hr PD.

Level 1a & 1b. 10 hr PD.
Price: $49.99.
Get 10% OFF with code THTV10 (limited time only)

Level 1a, 1b & 2. 20 hr PD.
Price: $99.99.
Get 20% OFF with code THTV20 (limited time only)

Offers an introduction to foundational emotion science concepts and their application to pedagogical practice.

Covers such topics as the nature of emotion, emotion generation and regulation. Focus on concrete applications of the covered concepts in the classroom. Prepares educators to maintain a positive classroom climate, build strong relationships with their students, and implement social emotional programming.​

Completed online via Netflix, Disney+, or Peacock. See how it works.

See these training programs' scope and sequence.​

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Your favorite TV
+ the latest science
= not your average edutainment

Not only is the ThinkHumanTV learning experience guaranteed to be more enjoyable than most available alternatives, it’s also based on decades of scientific research. ThinkHumanTV continuing education training was developed by Dr. Melissa Cesarano and Dr. Ilya Lyashevsky based in part on their highly popular graduate course at Columbia University Teachers College.  

Rather than simply offering a list of classroom management tricks, or providing well-intentioned advice, the program focuses on teaching the science of emotions. Teachers will learn the principles that underlie all people’s psychological functioning and will explore how a working knowledge of these principles can improve their own lives and contribute to a positive classroom climate. Understanding these principles can help educators make sense of their own and their students’ emotions, making them better equipped to manage their emotions, resolve conflicts, and help students do the same across a variety of classroom contexts. When you use ThinkHumanTV, you won’t just be having fun, you’ll be engaged in deep emotion learning. See the training program’s scope and sequence.

The ThinkHumanTV platform has been created with funding from the National Science Foundation, and has been evaluated in multiple studies which demonstrated that users who use the platform show significant improvements in emotional self-confidence and emotion regulation.

Don’t just take our word for it!

“I learned language I didn't previously have... To better understand [emotional concepts’] relationships and their functions ultimately makes emotional regulation more accessible. It felt like getting a peek under the hood.” - Samantha A.
“It helped me gain more awareness about the emotional processes others might be going through and their coping mechanisms.” - Danielle M.
“This is a fantastic use of media in teaching emotion regulation fundamentals and strategies... This medium offers a crafty novel method in providing useful [emotion concept] details and applying them in a fun way.”
- William T.
“It gave me a base to interpret my own emotions and to evaluate myself in order to find points to improve.” - Izabela S.
“I did really enjoy the use of movies... I also really did learn new [emotion] vocabulary and was able to apply it to current real life situations.” - Dustin H.
“Felt relevant to my life and was nice to have words to articulate things I have understood/misunderstood/thought about emotions before.” - Kelly S.

Why movies and TV shows?

It’s important to understand that ThinkHumanTV doesn’t use movies for training simply because it makes the experience fun (although that’s important). ThinkHumanTV training is focused on understanding how our emotions work so that we can be better educators and help students succeed in the classroom and beyond. This kind of learning can’t be done in the abstract. It must be grounded in authentic examples of human emotions and behavior. High quality movies and TV offer an ideal vehicle for this kind of grounding because they contain numerous examples of compelling and authentic emotional situations. This is in fact one of the main reasons we find movies entertaining: we emotionally connect to the characters and their problems, empathize with them and feel their concerns.  

In other words, movies are what make ThinkHumanTV both truly enjoyable and truly effective as an educational tool. And here’s the best part: with ThinkHumanTV you get to choose which movies and shows you use in training. Are you a Cobra Kai fan? We’ve got you covered. Prefer Never Have I Ever or 10 Things I Hate About You? No problem: every learner is free to select those titles that they like best from a growing library of over 65 diverse narratives.

ThinkHumanTV Is for you
no matter your school role

Improving students’ emotional skills is a school-wide effort. It isn’t limited to a single class or a given social emotional learning program. This is why improving emotional literacy and competence is critical for ALL school faculty and staff, not just the health or ELA teachers. The ThinkHumanTV continuing education program is designed to improve all educators’ foundational emotion knowledge and skills. Developing these foundational skills will help them model emotionally competent behavior, develop stronger relationships with their students and colleagues, and foster a more supportive and inclusive classroom and school climate.

Get CE hours in your state


Colorado requires 90 hours of PD for teacher certificate renewal. Educators can use continuing education hours earned via ThinkHumanTV toward their required total. Try it free!


Maine requires 90 hours of PD (or 6 semester credits) for teacher certificate renewal. Educators can use continuing education hours earned via ThinkHumanTV toward their required total. Try it free!


Affectifi's ThinkHumanTV training has been approved by the MA Department of Education for the following content areas: 1) Comprehensive Health, 2) Leadership/Administration, and 3) Safe & Supportive Learning Environments.
Try it free!

New Jersey

In New Jersey, an educator’s school or district can approve the continuing education hours they complete. ThinkHumanTV will provide educators with a completion certificate which they can provide to their school or district to get their hours approved. The relevant educational topic is Prevention, including Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying (HIB). Try it free!


Affectifi has been approved as a professional development provider in Nevada. Educators can use the hours they earn on THTV toward their continuing education requirements. Try it free!

New York

Affectifi has been approved as a provider of CTLE by the NYS Department of Education. Educators can use the hours they earn on THTV toward their continuing education requirements. Try it free!


Ohio requires 180 CE contact hours or equivalent for educator license renewal. An educator can put credit hours from activities such as THTV toward that total provided it is "approved by the Local Professional Development Committee of the employing school, district or agency" according to the Ohio State Board of Ed. Try it free!


​Affectifi, the maker of ThinkHumanTV, is an approved provider of educator professional development courses in Pennsylvania, where teachers are required to complete 180 continuing education hours every 5 years. ThinkHumanTV training is applicable to ALL PA educator classifications because social emotional competencies are needed in all educational contexts. Try it free!


​Texas requires educators to complete 150 of Continuing Professional Education (CPE) hours every five years. Texas educators can count THTV hours toward this goal given that they are able to earn up to 20% of their required CPE hours via independent "self-study of relevant professional materials (e.g., books, journals, periodicals, video and audio tapes, computer software, interactive distance learning, video conferencing, or online activities)" (see TX CPE FAQs).
Try it free!

Other States

​If you are in another state, you may still be eligible to get continuing education credit hours, depending on your state's policies. Often, educators can get their hours approved by their school or district.

Affectifi is in process of being approved as PD provider in multiple additional states. In the meantime, the certification you'll receive can augment your resume and improve your readiness to deliver social emotional programming regardless of your location.

Ready to try it? Sign up free!

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