illustrated old-school movie marquee with COMING SOON headline text


Emotional Intelligence training
using Kids' favorite TV


Subscribe for a
chance to win

early access to app
(VIP beta user)

2 years FREE
Disney+ streaming

$1,000 parenting EQ
masterclass with
our founders

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ThinkHumanJR logoA floating cloud featuring emotion faces and poplular children's TV character Bluey

TV your kids
already love to watch


emotion science



Silver Bullet

A floating cloud featuring emotion faces and poplular children's movie character Mr. Incredible
The National Science Foundation official logo

The ONLY at-home emotion learning app
backed by the National Science Foundation

Popular children's movie character Moana and a few emotion faces floating around her

Scientifically tested.
Parent approved.
Genuinely fun.

THE revolution in
emotion learning for kids

kid-friendly activities
integrated into popular media

scientifically shown
to increase
healthy emotion habits

Build critical life skills
when it matters most

emotional vocabulary,
self-soothing skills,
& more

Emotion cartoons featuring curiosity and jor

Turn screen time
into school readiness

passive screen time
becomes active learning

interactive moments with
kids’ favorite characters

designed for
everyday use

Popular children's TV character Daniel Tiger


of kids significantly
improved their
emotion skills

Curated. Safe.

developed by emotion scientists,
curated by children’s media experts, extensively tested

with support from:

Logos for NSF, The Learning Economy Foundation, SXSW, Games & Learning, PennGSE, Tool Competition, and Robin Hood Blue Ridge Labs

A secret weapon for
healthy emotion habits


of families "love"
the ThinkHuman
experience for kids

Loaded with additional
    EQ-boosting activities
          and edutainment

Your child joins 'Blobby'
on a mission to
become an Emotioneer!

Fun, bite-size
lessons for kids

Progress reports
for parents

Additional EQ & parenting resources

Children's character Blobby showing curiosityChildren's character Blobby demonstrating a hugChildren's character Blobby demonstrating a "hiding" emotion
iPad showing the landing screen for the ThinkHumanJR app

Be one of the first
to enjoy ThinkHuman JR

2 years FREE 
Disney+ streaming
early access to app
(VIP beta user)
$1,000 parenting EQ masterclass with our founders
Subscribe to our mailing list before June 1, 2025
for your chance to win this giveaway
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